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  НАЧАЛО "Longquan Solar" АД - Changzhou 常州  
WWW: http://longquansolar.com
Адрес: Changzhou 常州, Zhixi industry Park, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
Телефони: 0086-519-82446125
За контакт: arellawang
Инфо: Longquan Solar was established in 1991, only 198 km away from the world finance center--- Shanghai. We’re specialized in research, application of solar energy, and manufacture of solar products. We have developed fast but steadily for 18 years with total area 318,000 square meters, register capacity RMB 82 millions. Now we collect the most excellent staff in solar industry. Of 568 staff, there are 18 with master or doctor degrees, about 78% of the total staff are middle grade technologist. With combination of research, we are one of the third largest solar products manufacture centers with 100 thousand unit solar water heaters and 10 million pieces of vacuum tubes per year, doing OEM for other export factories or directly exporting to abroad. With combination of internal and international most advanced resources, such as vacuum tube, heat pipe technology from China, foaming machine from Italy, welding machine from USA, insulation material from Germany, stainless steel board from Japan, we offer the excellent products to the world consumers. We own perfect quality control system and precise examining equipment. But also our products are monitored by the national examining center all year round. Our products have been approved by ISO9001:2008, and CE certificate early, and gained the national advanced technology awards. Longquan brand solar water heater and vacuum tube was awarded as famous brand by Changzhou Famous Brand Committee, Patent Model Enterprise in 2007 by local government , AAA grade Credit Enterprise by credit comment committee. Now our products have been sold to more than 20 provinces in China and 36 countries and areas. It is our responsibility to protect our earth, and use solar energy more. At the same, we make you fortune more. Longquan Solar, the solar water heating solution expert. За контакти: arellawang@yahoo.com arellawang@21cn.com arellawang@live.com
Слънчево затопляне на вода. Solar water heater
We are the solar collector manufacturer with mainly of the thermal vacuum tubes , we are also make the solar water heaters and glass vacuum tubes. solar keymark & SRCC has beening tested since june ,we expect the certificate around next March .
Split solar collector